
Written by Regina Cal, Rustic Skills

Shungite Stone is as unique as it is mysterious. Its origins are unknown and its physical properties are mystifying.

Although Shungite is plentiful, there is a single finite source that is eventually being depleted.

I stumbled upon Shungite while searching for different ways to purify water without chemicals. I was astonished to read that this stone can completely purify water! I also read that it can block electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), and it also has powerful healing properties - Hmmm.

These are bold claims, I thought. Can a stone really have all of these capabilities?

I started to research and I found a few websites that spoke about these claims, but none had any evidence to really back it up.

I decided to dig deeper, and through much time researching, I managed to find scholarly articles and patents offering compelling evidence that the claims of Shungite are proven!

The evidence that I have found is so strong, I just had to write an article about it to help educate others about the reality of Shungite. 

In this article, I discuss the origins and chemistry of Shungite, scientific findings of Shungite's properties, the benefits of Shungite, any known side effects, a buyers guide to Shungite, and the future of this amazing miracle stone!

Part One: Information About Shungite

What Is Shungite?

Shungite is an anomalous stone of organic origin that is comprised of carbon.

Pure Shungite looks similar to pyrite, but with a silver tone instead of gold.

Shungite has the look and feel of pyrite. 

The stone in its purest form is quite brittle and can chip easily. It would not be suitable for faceting.

Shungite stone gets its powerful properties from an unusual carbon structure known as a fullerene. I will go into detail about fullerenes later in this article.

The Origins of Shungite Stone

Shungite was discovered near the small village of Shunga, which is how the stone got its name. Shunga is located in the Republic of Karelia, a part of the Russian Federation.

Although there are traces of Shungite found in a few other locales throughout Russia, the Zazhoginsky deposit is the only place where Shungite exists in vast reserves.

This vast deposit of Shungite weighs in at a whopping 35 million tons and is being mined out at a rate of 200 thousand tons per year.

Cave paintings in Russia by Lake Onega

Several hundreds of years ago, Lake Onega had become renowned through the local villages for its extremely pure water that had the ability to heal. Kings and queens would come and go throughout history, opening and abandoning thermal spas through the centuries.

Shungite has been forgotten and discovered for many cycles throughout history.

The most recent re-discovery was in the 1930s as the water from Lake Onega was tested for medical uses. The lake had a resurgence in popularity in the 70s as a thermal spa had opened once again.

Still, Shungite has only become popular in internet searches over the past couple of years.

The geology of Shungite stone

Shungite formed at the ripe old age of 2 billion years. There are many hypotheses about how Shungite was made.

The most adopted theory is that Shungite was created by the sedimenting of rich organic materials of primitive life forms into mud and silt.

These organic sediments accumulated into the Karelian craton that was rich in brackish water.

The organic material compressed with the mineral-rich brackish water into the craton and got heated up from the geothermal activity from below. This transformed the material through petrification and into what we know as Shungite. This process was also responsible for the creation of the molecular structure known as fullerenes.

An intriguing yet less popular hypothesis is that Shungite was formed from a meteor crashing into the earth. What is interesting about this idea is that there is evidence that a meteor did crash in close vicinity to the lake just a little earlier than Shungite was formed.

An even less popular opinion is that Shungite was made by lightning strikes. The reasoning for this idea is that lightning strikes actually create fullerenes, but since the amount made by lightning is so minuscule, this hypothesis is mostly discredited. It is an interesting notion nonetheless.

The different types of Shungite stone

There are three types of Shungite that all have a different appearance. The reason for the difference is the quantity of carbon the stones possess.

Type I Shungite - Elite Silver Shungite

This is the purest form of Shungite at a concentration of 98%.

The stone has a silvery semi-metallic sheen to it and can flake fairly easily.

Only one percent of Shungite in existence is Elite Shungite.

Composition of Elite Shungite

98% Carbon

0.9% Nitrogen and Oxygen

0.3% Hydrogen

0.8% Ash Content

Type II Shungite - Black Shungite

This type of Shungite is made up of 50-70% carbon.

This stone is a matte black mineral. It can be shaped and polished easily and is used to make EMF blocking discs and countertop pyramids.

Composition of Black Shungite

50-70% Carbon

3.5% Nitrogen and Oxygen

6.7% Hydrogen

3.3% Ash Content

Type III Shungite - Gray Shungite

This type of Shungite is made up of 30-50% carbon.

This stone is a matte gray mineral. You will not run into gray shungite on the retail market, it is used for industrial applications.

Composition of Gray Shungite

30-50% Carbon

3.5% Nitrogen and Oxygen

6.7% Hydrogen

3.3% Ash Content

56% Silicon Dioxide

8% various oxides and dioxides

How to Tell if Shungite is Real

Although fake Shungite is not a common problem, there have been reports of fake Shungite on the market. If people can make money at it, there will always be counterfeits! Luckily, there are very easy ways to circumvent this problem.

First, always buy from a reputable seller. I suggest purchasing solely from Karelian Heritage. I personally have purchased all my Shungite either directly from their online shop or from their official Amazon shop.

Second, you can conduct an extremely easy test to ensure your Shungite is real!

Shungite Authenticity Test

Shungite is naturally conductive. Therefore, we can perform a simple test to prove if Shungite is real.

You will need:

Light Bulb


Two wires (preferably copper)


Place one wire on the positive side of the battery and one on the negative side of the battery. Place wires onto the bulb. The bulb will light. Now place the Shungite in between bulb and one wire. The bulb will still light if the Shungite is real. Easy!

Are there side effects of shungite stone?

Technically, there are no known side effects, but people may experience some energy disturbances from the stone. These could possibly be:

  • Insomnia
  • Too much energy
  • Increased pulse
  • Increased blood pressure

These side effects are directly related to the enormous amount of energy that Shungite can deliver to you. Remember how we talked about the expansion of the vital field?

This may be a very new and energetic sensation, and because of that, you may want to rotate wearing your stone until you get used to the extra energy.

Part Two: The Benefits Of Shungite 

As you can see, Shungite stone has some seriously unique properties that other carbon materials do not possess.

Because of these unique attributes, Shungite offers up some powerful capabilities that almost seem magical but are actually backed with scientific evidence - evidence that I will provide below in each section.

Shungite stones for water purification

The International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research released a compelling research paper on the influence of Shungite on water. The research was conducted by the Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics located in Bulgaria and the Biotechnology department of Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology located in Moscow.

This is what they have found.

Due to its unique porous structure, Shungite adsorbs 95% of contaminants when coming into contact with its surface.

The types of contaminants that Shungite removes through adsorption are:

  • organochlorine compounds
  • phenols
  • dioxins
  • heavy metals
  • radionuclides

The types of contaminants that Shungite removes through absorption are:

  • oil
  • benzene
  • phenol
  • pesticides
  • chlorine
  • ammonia
  • heavy metals

Shungite has the ability to oxidize organic substances that are absorbed on the surface. Although this process is not entirely understood by scientists, Shungite is proven to be a powerful antioxidant and removes free radicals 30 times more effectively than activated carbon!!!

Free radicals formed during the treatment of water with chlorine and other chemicals have a negative impact on human health.

This table shows the performance of radical removal in water treated by Shungite:

Shungite has Antibacterial Properties

Shungite has strong bactericidal properties that efficiently disinfect drinking water from harmful bacteria.

It has been observed in this same study that Shungite eliminates pathogenic saprophytes and protozoa. Shungite performs a near complete removal of e.Coli from 2300/Liter of cells down to 3/Liter of cells.

Shungite does work best in conjunction with Zeolite and activated carbon.

Shungite And The Benefits It Brings To Water

So what exactly are the benefits of drinking Shungite water? After all, we have fancy filtration systems and chemical products that cleanse our water of viruses and bacteria. Why even bother with the extra step of making Shungite water?

As we learned, Shungites contain fullerenes which trap harmful chemicals and compounds within its hollow center. In return, Shungite deposits positive elements such as oxygen, magnesium, and calcium.

Fullerenes also have a powerful antioxidant effect which cleanses the body of carcinogens.

Because of the detoxifying effect of Shungite water, you can use it to boost your metabolism which can help you lose weight.

Water from Lake Onega has been used for thousands of years throughout mankind's history as a powerful detoxifying element. You can use this water for washing your face, making tinctures, using in teas and various drinks.

You can also add some Shungite to keep your aquariums clean and even use in ponds.

How To Make Shungite Water

You will need:

A pitcher (preferably glass)

8 cups of water

8 ounces of Elite Shungite Chips

Step 1: Rinse Shungite chips thoroughly

Step 2: Place Shungite chips into pitcher

Step 3: Fill pitcher with water

Step 4: Let sit for 24 to 72 hours (Do NOT place lid on pitcher, the water needs oxygen to work)

Step 5: Enjoy your cleansed Shungite drinking water!

You can buy these elite Shungite chips on Amazon here.

How to Clean Shungite Stones

Shungite chips need to be maintained once a month for maximum performance. They also need to be replaced periodically, about every six months to one year, or as needed.

  1. Mix 4 cups water with one tablespoon lemon juice.
  2. Place Shungite chips in water.
  3. Let sit for 8 hours.
  4. Pat chips dry on a towel.
  5. Place Shungite chips in sun for three hours, flipping over halfway through.

If you are looking for more alternative water filtration options, check out my article on whole house well water filtration systems and also my guide to gravity fed water filters.

Part Three: Shungite And Scientific Findings

Shungite and the Carbon Known as Fullerenes

The reason Shungite has such powerful properties is because of the carbon complex known as a fullerene. 

What is a Fullerene? The fullerene is a fairly recent discovery. It is a form of carbon that links together 60 carbon atoms into the shape of a soccer ball. The fullerene got its name from the scientist Richard Buckminster Fuller. He actually built a life-size replica of a fullerene without even realizing it!

This is Fuller with his geodesic dome that is shaped exactly like a naturally occuring fullerene!

What is highly interesting is that a fullerene molecule is completely hollow. This hollow nature allows for all sorts of toxin and radio wave absorption.

Fullerenes have been used in nanotechnology to create nanotubes. These carbon molecules have been replicated in laboratories to create synthetic fullerenes.

However, these man made fullerenes cannot be remotely compared to natural fullerenes as natural fullerenes are filled with unique gases, liquids, and minerals inside its hollow dome.

Fullerenes have extremely potent properties on electromagnetic fields, absorption of toxins, and on human health.

Shungite EMF Protection

Some people believe that Shungite blocks EMFs through metaphysical energies, but there is scientific evidence that Shungite has unique electrical properties due to its naturally conductive nature from the fullerenes.

I have read several articles about Shungite being touted as an EMF blocker, but no one seems to provide any scientific sources that Shungite can indeed block these frequencies.

I have taken the time and scoured scholarly articles and patents to find actual scientific evidence that Shungite has unbelievable electromagnetic absorbing powers and am sharing them with you today.

Let's dive into the research that supports the theory that Shungite can actually block electromagnetic frequencies!

Does Shungite Really Block Electromagnetic Frequencies?

I could not find the answer to this by merely skimming the net. Sure, there are videos showing Shungite blocking EMF from microwaves, modems, etc. But someone always finds a way to debunk these videos.

I needed to know more, and the only way to find out was to delve into scientific papers and patents.

I found three case studies that really convinced me Shungite does block EMF.

Shungite EMF Case Study Overview 

Case Study #1:  Method of containing radiation using fullerene molecules shows how a container made with Shungite was built to contain radiation. 

Case Study #2: Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Properties of Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes are used to block radar frequencies.

Case Study #3: Electromagnetic wave absorption material and various items is a patent that uses Shungite as a coating to protect the circuit boards from electromagnetic interference. 

Case Studies in More Detail

The first case study is patent #US5640705A. This patent has been filed for utilizing fullerene carbon molecules to contain radiation from nuclear waste.

This nuclear waste containment system is comprised of fullerene carbon layers that prevent nuclear radiation from leaking out of the containment vessel.

nuclear containment vessel

Although there is a ton of information in this patent, if you look up the "Detailed Description" section, you will find this:

"C60 is the only single-layer Fullerene molecule that will completely contain high energy ionizing radiation. Under specific temperature and pressure conditions, C60 can completely absorb the five main types of harmful, high energy, ionizing radiation; namely, alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, and neutron radiation."

The natural state of a fullerene present in Shungite is the 60 molecule structure. As stated in the quote, this type of fullerene carbon is capable of absorbing the five main types of harmful radiation.

This is because the natural fullerene works as an absolute vacuum as it is hollow on the inside. This vacuum filters out impurities in water along with absorbing electromagnetic frequencies and radio waves.
My second case study is a scholarly article released by Scientific Reports #5619 (2014).

In this experiment, carbon nanotubes were utilized to create a Radar Absorbing Material (RAM) to block radar stealth technology.

The study has shown that carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have excellent electromagnetic wave absorption performance due to its unique structure and extreme electrical conductivity.

Carbon nanotubes are created by fullerenes, which as we know are naturally present in Shungite.

We can then deduce that since carbon nanotubes are extremely efficient at blocking radar waves, the natural form of the fullerene has the power to absorb these waves as well.
My third case study is another patent JP2003243878A from Japan.
The invention in this patent is the development of a coating on a circuit board that blocks electromagnetic interference (EMI).

The invention uses a layer of Shungite (referred to as Shun Gaito) along with other layers of carbon to absorb EMI.

The patent claims that out of all the carbon materials used, the Shungite offers the best performance to eliminating the most EMI.

I have also found a couple of videos that show Shungite blocking EMFs in action:

If you feel you need more evidence, I suggest looking up "Shungite radiation absorption" in Google Scholar and Google Patents. It will give you several more case studies pertaining to this topic.

What Do I Personally Believe About Shungite Blocking EMF?

Wow, the case studies are really compelling and I suggest you give them a read for yourself. Personally, the scientific evidence does support that Shungite can block radiation, frequencies from radar, and electromagnetic interference. It is being used in devices and products all over the world, even the military has utilized Shungite in their equipment.

I feel comfortable saying that yes, Shungite does, in fact, protect you from EMF.

Now, lets say Shungite does not protect you from EMF. What do you really have to lose here?

First off, the stone is beautiful. You can purchase Shungite in spheres, pyramids, cubes, and in all kinds of different sizes. The jewelry looks great as well.

Secondly, Shungite is really not all that expensive in comparison to other natural materials. Its much less than crystals by weight and size. 

Worst case, you buy some Shungite, and you look great wearing it or you jazz up your home with some interesting conversation starters. Best case, Shungite does wonders and improves your quality of life. 

I will say that in my own personal experience, wearing Shungite simply makes me feel better, more balanced, and have more energy.

Part Four: Shungite Metaphysical Properties

The Healing Properties Of Shungite

As we all know, human beings are powered by electricity. Our neurons in our brains function by receiving electrical signals from cells. Our hearts beat from an electrical charge emitted by cells that cause a contraction.

A lesser known metascience, known as bioenergetics, explores human energy fields and the relation our energy has with the world around us.

Our bodies release an energetic field, known as the vital field, that interacts with our environment and ripples away from us like waves.


  • Life is an energy intensive process
  • It takes energy to move a muscle, breath, heal wounds, even to think
  • We emit an energetic field around us that interacts and is influenced by our environment

A person's vital field can vary greatly depending on the health of the person, the level of consciousness, and also influences from the environment.

We can also have a direct effect on our vital field by the food and drink we consume, where we hang out and who we hang out with.

Our vital field strives to stay in a state of homeostasis, a state of balance. However, it wouldn't surprise me that most (if not all) human beings that live in modern day society across the world are in a state of bioenergetic imbalance due to modern lifestyle choices and the bombardment of electromagnetic frequencies.

This is where Shungite comes into play.

Shungite and the Vital Field

Measurements of a person's vital field can be measured, and a study done on Shungite in relation to bioenergetic research has been performed. This study, done by Regina Martino (a bioenergetic researcher) has found that Shungite can actually increase our extending bioenergy field.

So what do these results mean?

Health Benefits of Shungite Stone:

1. It balances our bioenergetic field. A balanced energy field can remedy dysfunctions in the body, such as persistent and recurring illness, tiredness, depression, dullness, and any type of issues that can occur from energy imbalances.

2. It gives us protection from negative energies. As our vital fields become balanced and centered, a natural positive energy is restored in the body. Shungite can also absorb negative energies, much like it can absorb impurities in water and radiation.

3. It blocks us from EMFs. As we went over above, Shungite is scientifically known to block electromagnetic disturbances. As we are bombarded from every corner with radio waves, our vital energies become imbalanced and shrink. Shungite works to restore our energy field and protect us from these invasive waves.

4. Shungite does not take on a negative charge. The natural structure of the fullerenes in Shungite creates a vacuum that does not allow for taking on any negativity from frequencies, vibrations, and human emotions. The state of Shungite will always stay intact, no matter what it encounters.

If you have feelings of general malfeasance, have unexplained exhaustion, emotional or mental issues, lethargy, feelings of uneasiness, and anything to do with a potential energy imbalance in the body, Shungite can assist in restoring your well being.

If you are interested, this section of the article was inspired by reading Regina Martino's book: Shungite: Protection, Healing, and Detoxification. It is really quite fascinating!

Part Five: Shungite Buyer's Guide

I included this guide because it is highly important to purchase your Shungite from a reputable seller. Shungite comes from only one mine on earth, and there are fakes out there. I have included some links to products you may be interested that are the real deal.

Polished Shungite Pyramid, 4 inches

Buy On Amazon

Shungite EMF Protection Sticker

Now this is a conversation starter!

Buy On Amazon

Elite Shungite in Huge Chunks

Elite Shungite is more expensive, but it has the highest concentrations of Fullerenes and is absolutely stunning!

Buy On Amazon

An Attractive Shungite Bracelet

Buy On Amazon

Regina Cal is a professional prospector, rockhounder, and wilderness survivalist in the Arizona Mountains.

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the science of shungite

The REAL Benefits Of Shungite Backed By Science! [3 Case Studies]

Shungite Stone is as unique as it is mysterious. Its origins are unknown and its physical properties are mystifying.Although Shungite is (read more)

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  • Okay after bouncing from site to site, I have arrived at a safe place finally.Thank you so much for your presentation. I love you and thank you again.

    • Ah, you are welcome! I am so glad you enjoyed this article. I spent a ton of time researching scientific studies to put this together.

  • Your research is let down by the videos supposedly showing it working! It cannot be measured with a volt meter, what they are doing is grounding the electrical charge through their own bodies and as they are holding the shungite it appears to be the shungite causing the drop in electrical field. The same result would happen if they just held their hand in front of the meter. Did it not seem strange to you that the printer although surrounded by a bucket load of shungite still gave a high reading!

    • That is an interesting perspective, and you are probably right. For me, I find the more compelling evidence to be in the case studies that Shungite is used in everyday technology to absorb electromagnetic waves and also absorbs toxins from water. The science is there, for sure. Thanks for the input!

    • the same person redid the test making sure her hand was not in the way and got similar results, you can find in on YouTube

    • I was confused by that, too. With all the stones right next to the printer, but it was still giving off high readings. Thanks for the info. If the meter readings are pointless, I guess the only test that matters is to try either a pendant or a few pieces in your home and see if you notice a difference. But the videos of the meters are counterproductive.

  • Yes, I agree with you regarding the use of Shungite, I have it all around my house as I suffer from EHS, and I am convinced that it is beneficial for me. I just don’t agree that the effects can be measured with a volt meter. This is also a point noted in Regina Martino’s book.

  • Hi. This seems amazing! But I have a few questions. If you have to put the shungite between the meter and the microwave/printer/whatever to see a reduction in the radiation levels, are you only blocking radiation in that one small area? In which case you would need to cover the entire surface of any EMF producing appliance with pieces of shungite to block all or most of the emf emission.
    I would like to see the difference in radiation levels with a piece of shungite touching or next to the appliance, but not directly in between the appliance and the meter. And what about pendants? How much protection do they provide if they are only a small stone on your chest. What is the effective area of radiation adsorption for each stone? Thank you so much for any clarification you can provide.

    • TBH, I think the vids are misleading, and I feel compelled to purchase an EMF reader so I can make my own videos and get to the bottom of it!
      In Regina Martino’s book, she goes precisely into Shungite’s effective area coverage. She has figured out Shungite’s bioenergetic field radius by using empaths to feel the aura of the stones. She does double blind studies and the results are interesting. But I would like a bit better proof than that.
      I think I will put the Shungite stone video trials on my list of things to do!
      For my own personal experience, I feel an improvement when wearing Shungite. And then I will forget to put it on for several days, lol. When I put it back on I do feel an increase in energy and vitality. For me, its a good experience!

  • The video clearly demonstrates how a single piece or even a pile of Shungite will NOT protect you from emf. I worked in RF engineering for 20 years, and everyone is missing a crucial point. EMF is all pervasive, it is everywhere unless you are completely shielded, say in a wire mesh box (Faraday cage). Think of it as light, you have a light bulb on in a room and you want to protect something from the light. You would need to place the item in a box covering all four sides, top, and bottom to keep it shaded. EMF is the same. A Shungite cage or box that one could step into and close would offer protection. This is how the Russians used it in old nuclear facilities. A piece of Shungite sitting in a room on hanging from a necklace will offer zero EMF protection.

    • Hmm, this is a very enlightening comment! I love your analogy of how emf is like light, everywhere. That makes a whole lot of sense to me.

      However, I disagree that Shungite provides zero protection. So in theory, Shungite provides an energy field that can help block some emf, it is not just blocking where the stone physically exists. So we can say that energy field from the stone protrudes maybe 2-4 feet. Maybe more, maybe less. So your entire body will likely not be covered by the energy field.

      So now we are on a beach. We have covered half our body with a towel. We get burnt where the towel was not covering us. The part of us under the towel is safe. So then, if emf is like light, and we partially cover our body with Shungite energy field, will we be partially protected from getting “burned”? In theory, I think so. But I do not know for sure. None of us can really know, because its more of a metascience. Although I do find the fullerene studies to be quite intriguing.

      I would think that lessening emf will be a benefit, but I don’t think we can fully eliminate it.

      I am curious to see the effects of the 5G on humans. Will it be harmful? Will it do nothing at all? Its a mystery!

    • Greg, I agree that we’re in a frequency saturated environment, and that the physics claims of Shungite don’t quite add up. Frequencies are directional, jammers are directional, frequencies can be reflected (gold flaked canopies), and frequencies can also be collected and recycled into electricity (see Duke University project from about 10 years ago)… I would need to see a lot more physics tests done on the resonant frequency, absorption, reflection, and transmission of electromagnetic frequency (not just electricity) by shungite to be fully convinced of these claims. That being said, I still appreciate your research work, Gina.

      • Shungite has been claimed to have various properties that make it beneficial for protecting against electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. However, the scientific evidence for these claims is limited and the mechanisms by which shungite supposedly protects against electromagnetic radiation are not well understood.

        Many experts in the field of physics and electrical engineering have raised concerns that the claims made about shungite’s ability to protect against electromagnetic radiation are not supported by scientific evidence. Some have argued that the claims are based on misunderstandings of basic physics principles and that the properties attributed to shungite are not consistent with known physical laws.

        Given the limited scientific evidence and the conflicting opinions of experts, it is difficult to determine the true effectiveness of shungite in protecting against electromagnetic radiation.

        And you’re welcome!

  • I was.expecting to.read.some actual proof of claims. Scientific research data or something with some kind of data that relates to anything legitimate. If you know where or how i might locatesucb data it would be appreciated because althougb nicely done website, itfails to meet the anticipated data thats rooted in physical science. So please point me in the direction of the facts. Id really like to know the data n research done with this. Please n ty. Jennifer

    • There are three case studies I have written about that link to scholarly articles which are derived from scientific experiments on Shungite. I have provided links to each one. Once you go to the case study, you can read all the scientific evidence they provide. To publish all that on my article would make it far too long and would also be plaigarism. Please check them out.

  • Hi, I thought this was a very well done article. It took me a while to find it but I’m very happy I did. I appreciate the case studies and other useful information. If I ever decide to go off grid, I’ll definitely go to your website first!

  • Could you provide a video of how to authenticate shaungite with the copper wires and placement on the light bulb? Thank you.

  • I’m new to Shungite, I purchased a 3″ Pyramid in order to offset some of the EMFs in our new apartment we will move into soon. (It features all electric heating, fiber optic speed internet, LED lights, and induction stove).

    I have had the pyramid 4 days now, and usually keep it by my laptop while working. I have suddenly started to experience mild static-like white noise/ Tinnitus in my ears during day. Do you know what could be the problem? (I have slept near the pyramid also on nightstand, but had no issues with sleeping.) The day I received the product, I washed it in running water & left it outside in the sun for 24 hours.

    Another bizarre (maybe unrelated occurrance)… Our TV signal/connection has been dropping (for only the last 3 days). The signal mysteriously cuts out (for about 5 minutes) nearly every hour. Am I crazy, or could this little Shungite pyramid have anything to do with that??

    • Those are strange and interesting interferences you are experiencing. Both myself and my mom have Shungite and have never experienced those things before. The Shungite works to negate the vibes so I couldn’t see it causing these issues. What I could see happening is maybe you are experiencing the tinnitus from the massive barometric pressure change from the crazy cold weather going on, unprecedented pressure (if you are in USA at least)! Also, the connection could be caused by the weather as well as many are experiencing communications and electric issues from the weather. But I highly doubt it is from the Shungite. You can always test it and see if you remove it if the issues stop. I would be curious to know if they do or not.

  • There are studies available online showing shungite used as emf shielding in upgrading various electric grid components to protect from emp discharges. It can be mixed into paint or onto concrete mixtures to keep em smog from your home and to deice/heat roadways in the winter. You can google it under conductive concrete shielding (bc shungite directs energies that aren’t biocompatible away from your body and into the ground). I’m ordering that book you were talking about bc I’m curious too, how much shungite do you need per whatever-amount if emf radiation. Great article, ty for sharing!

  • Hi. I really enjoyed your article. It was well written, comprehensive and quite informative. I’m a newcomer to shungite, two week’s. I’ve found a shopping channel that sells quality pieces. I have chronic pain and energy deficits. I’ve tried all kinds of remedies over the years trying to get some relief. Each time something seems to help my body reverts back to the same deficits. So far my inflammation is down, my energy is up and my mod is stable. I really hope and pray that the shungite jewelry and pieces I’ve placed around will continue to help me. I bought a water bottle too but haven’t started using it yet. It’s a beautiful stone and I’m encouraged. Thanks for your intelligent, thoughtful article 😊.

    • Thank you, I am so glad you found value in my article. Let me know how the shungite water goes. I have yet to try it, after all of these years. I do love my shungite pieces, I really feel an uplifting energy when I wear them.

  • Hi Regina! My daughter recently introduced me to the benefits of Shungite, and has made a wonderful Shungite Superfood Mask. After using it on my face for two weeks, I saw improvements in texture, along with a reduction in dark spots and blemishes. Knowing that Shungite definitely has benefits, I set out to find the scientific research. What I found was you, who had already done the leg work, and I Thank You! I found your article very informative and have purchased Shungite for water for my three daughters and myself. Thanks, again!!

    • Awesome, Ami! I would love to know the recipe for the Shungite mask. It really is a wondrous mineral. I am glad my article helped you out.

  • Thanks for the article! I’ve read on another site that claims to be the best place to purchase it, that Amazon isn’t reputable. Thoughts?

    • Shungite is primarily mined in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, from the Shunga deposit. The Shungite deposit is the only known deposit of this mineral and is located near the village of Shunga. Karelian Heritage is most definitely reputable and they have an Amazon store.

  • If you are selling it your information must be disregarded as self serving listing official sources is a must could you provide these I have tried to get independent information but every site is like yours selling it can you recommend a scientific study from someone not selling it

    • Regarding the efficacy of shungite for protecting against EMF radiation, there is limited scientific research available. Some studies have suggested that shungite may have some protective properties against electromagnetic radiation, while others have not found any significant effects.

      It is important to note that the field of EMF protection is still developing and much more research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and risks.

      I recommend checking out the following resources for more information:

      The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) website provides information on EMF and its potential health effects.
      The World Health Organization (WHO) has a page on EMF and health that provides an overview of the current state of research and the potential health effects of exposure to EMF.
      The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) provides information on EMF and its effects on human health, including guidelines for safe exposure levels.

      These are credible sources of information that are not commercially motivated, and can provide you with an objective understanding of the current state of research on EMF and shungite.

  • Hello.
    Are shungites protect you from all EMF types radiation – microwave type coming from 4+5 G ( 6+ g is is works & coming on), dirty electricity coming from all plugged in appliances, devices, wiring, digital meters, etc? If so how do you estimate what amount of this stone is needed for each home, car, being outside , anywhere? Isn’t everything has a certain capacity? Or attached chips on cell phone – did you test the levels of RF & how many chips?
    Also, even ‘ reputable ‘ sellers of items in the article links can change to fake products. How do you know the test with a bulb is conclusive?

    • If we accept the premise that shungite can protect against electromagnetic radiation, it’s difficult to determine the amount needed for each location as it depends on various factors such as the size of the space, the strength of the EMF source, and the type of EMF (microwave, dirty electricity, etc.).

      As for shungite chips attached to mobile phones, the idea is that these chips will absorb and neutralize the EMF radiation emitted by the phone. The amount of shungite required to provide protection would be carefully calculated based on the size of the space, the strength of the EMF source, and the type of EMF. Shungite would be used in a variety of applications, such as in homes, cars, and other environments where people spend a lot of time.

      Unfortunately, not enough research has either been conducted or released to the public in regards to amounts, sizes, and protection levels.

  • Finally – a thorough, well-researched article on Shungite! I appreciate the various angles you addressed this topic from along with the links you’ve provided for us to do further “digging”. Thank you, Regina!!!

  • I recently bought a Shungite pendant on vacation last week. I wore it after I bought it and soon noticed a headache I didn’t have before. I took off the pendant and within minutes my headache was gone. Same thing happened yesterday. I wore it all day and had a massive headache until I took it off. Any ideas how I can bypass headaches. I know its a powerful stone and I really want more to add to my home.

    • I would suggest going with a smaller Shungite pendant. You could also try downgrading from elite Shungite, if it is silver looking its elite. If it is dull and black, it is less concentrated Shungite. Maybe turn the pendant into a bracelet so it is farther from your head. Then slowly work up to pieces in the house, try different placements. Its interesting that you are so sensitive to Shungite! Its quite powerful for sure.

  • As a scientist I was very skeptical about shungite’s properties. There is no effect on meter readings so it does not attenuate the signal in a way that is measurable. However for the last 10 years I have reacted to the newer modems that have increased signal strength and since I live in a multi-family complex I am exposed to overlapping signals. After getting seizures and other documented neurological symptoms from exposures on many occasions (unaware that I was exposed) I became quite desperate to find something that would help improve my tolerance since I don’t have the option of moving and can’t do major shielding as a tenant.

    I decided to try wearing a shungite pendant and was pleasantly surprised to find that it stopped the seizures. However if it was on the outside of my clothes it did not have the same effect…it had to be against my skin. When I would forget to put it back on the neurological symptoms would return. This is strictly empirical evidence and I have no idea how it is working from a scientific standpoint, I only know it has been very consistent over the last several years.

    • Wow, that is quite fascinating! I know that people’s sensitivity to EMFs vary greatly, and you have a stronger more adverse reaction than many, but it makes me wonder how many people have seizures due to EMFs? We will never know. I do know that so much EMFs have been added into our environment over the past 20 years yet very little has been done in ways of studies and measuring side effects.

      I also believe in the power of Shungite! And that is a great tip to wear it against your skin.

      Thank you for the contribution!

  • Thanks for the article. I believe it’s helped with EMFs but wearing the pendant has also made me feel lightheaded, ungrounded, with unusually strong emotion. Any idea what might be going on here?

    • I would say it has something to do with the fullerenes in the gemstone. Being that they are empty and absorb the EMFs, maybe they are absorbing some of your energy? I would soak in some spring water overnight and see if that helps.

  • I have been a fan of for years. Shungite works best in 3’s, hold 3 pieces in your hand it will warm up considerably, better yet put 3 pieces in a watch pocket, it will get so hot you can hardly stand it. Nancy Hopkins is the grandmother of shungite on the internet, she and Walt Silva have done alot of their own test on shungite. Her website is cosmicreality.com she has a radio show and a blog about shungite,I highly recommend you check out her site. Bees love shungite, the EMF’s in the air is killing them, shungite may be their salvation, the honey they produce by being shungite bees becomes very medicinal. On a side note, if you put a shungite sticker on your fridge, you produce and milk will stay fresh much longer. I like this site, alot of good info on it, thank you Regina for your efforts in educating the masses. May God Bless and Reward You

    • Wow, these are great tips! I definitely get the tingling sensation from Shungite, I have never felt heat however. I love the idea with the bees and the honey, so cool, I may start a hive this year and try it out! Shungite is a very powerful stone. I am changing the direction of my site to be more about wilderness skills, rocks, and gemstones. So glad you love my site, thank you! Happy New Year 🙂

  • Great information Regina, thank you. I’m actually the person who founded/invented what’s called the Shungite Beehives. We’ve had great success helping save the bees world-wide using Shungite. We also gift Shungite nuggets & powder for free to beekeepers willing to try it with their beehives. I’m thrilled more people are learning about the amazing benefits from working with Shungite.

    • Wow, this is amazing! I had no idea that this even existed. Do you have a link to your research and experiments? I am planning to update this article soon and would like to include your information.

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