Rustic Skills

Rockhound Tools, Lapidary Supplies, 

Gemstones and Minerals Shop

Regina Cal, professional prospector, digging for crystals

Welcome to my humble shop!

Here, you will find rockhounding tools for sale, lapidary supplies, and gemstones and minerals that I have personally hand-collected in Arizona. 

When you purchase products from me, you are helping to support my efforts as a content creator so I can keep on providing you with valuable and entertaining information. 

Make sure to check out my YouTube Channel and read my articles for more information about rockhounding, wilderness survival, and wild west explorations of Arizona. 

Thank you for your support!

Regina Cal, Rustic Skills

Arizona Gem and Minerals for Sale

Rockhounding Merchandise

Rockhounding Tools and Kits (Coming Soon)

Lapidary Supplies (Coming Soon)

Audiobooks and eBooks 

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