Arizona Rockhounding Tours with Regina

Join me on spectacular Wild West adventures through rugged Arizona landscapes in search of gemstones, relics and treasures!

Lone Star Mine underground workings with fluorite gemstones in the walls

Fluorite gemstones line the walls in the Lone Star Mine

I'm Regina, prospector, rockhounder and adventurer in the rugged desert landscapes of Arizona. I am on a quest to find gemstones, gold, silver, and treasures in Southeast Arizona, near the infamous mining towns Tombstone and Bisbee. Join me on my journeys to rockhound for your own treasures and make a memory of a lifetime! 

The Lone Star Mine 

Dig for beautiful banded fluorite in the stunning desert mountains of Arizona!

Fluorite gemstone found in the tailings piles of the Fluorite mine

Banded fluorite gemstone found in the tailings piles of the Lone Star Mine

The Lone Star Mine is the only pay-2-dig fluorite location in the USA! I yielded about 50 lbs of Fluorite in one day digging through the tailings piles as seen in this video:

Here are some of my finds from a day of digging through tailings:

Lone Star Mine Visitation Options

Option One: Guided Tour with Regina 

($250 for first person, $50 per additional person)

  • Half day guided tour to the Lone Star Mine
  • Be put on to the best digging spots 
  • Rockhounding tools and safety gear provided
  • Dig up fluorite gemstones with Regina Cal 
  • Journey into the underground workings and see how Fluorite forms
  • Enjoy learning mining history and geology!

Option Two: Pay-2-Dig

($50 per adult, $25 5 -12 years old, under 5 dig free!)

  • Self-guided tour to the mine through stunning desert landscapes
  • One mile hike on groomed trail to the mine
  • Collect as many specimens as you can carry in a 2.5 gallon bucket (ONE TRIP ONLY)

All persons visiting the mine must sign this Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risk Agreement.

Please read all Rules and Guidelines before visiting the mine. 

I look forward to meeting you and taking you on an awesome rockhounding adventure! 

Questions? Fill out the form below and I will get back to you ASAP! 

Regina Cal, Rustic Skills

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